Most businesses have the responsibility of making estimated tax payments all through their fiscal year. IRS Notice CP163 takes into account this obligation, stating that you have underpaid your estimated taxes and therefore have an outstanding amount due. Understand the implications this notice has on your business’s estimated taxes to avoid late penalties and maintain a healthy financial state.

What Is Notice CP163?

Notice CP163 is a document the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) sends to taxpayers when it notifies them that they have underpaid their estimated taxes. The notice states the amount that you owe, including penalties for the late payment. This typically occurs when businesses do not appropriately estimate their taxes for a given fiscal year and misjudge their tax liability.

Impact of Notice CP163

Receiving a Notice CP163 implies that your business hasn’t paid its estimated taxes accurately. This not only results in financial liability but can also have significant consequences, including late penalties, impacts on your financial reputation, and potential audits.


The most immediate outcome of Notice CP163 is the monetary penalty. The IRS imposes certain charges for underpayment, which can add up quickly. Penalties are assessed from the day the estimated tax payment was due until it is paid fully.

Impact on Financial Reputation

Late tax payments, as indicated by the Notice CP163, can stain the financial reputation of your business. Consistently overdue tax payments can lead to credibility issues with financial institutions, making it challenging for your business to secure financial credits and loans in the future.

Potential Auditing

If your business continues to underestimate taxes, leading to repeated instances of underpaying, it may flag attention from IRS compliance programs, increasing your chances of being audited.

How to Avoid Notice CP163

To avoid the implications of Notice CP163, businesses must ensure accurate and timely payment of their estimated taxes.

  1. Regularly analyze your business income and expenses

  2. Use the IRS’s estimated tax guidelines to calculate your tax liability

  3. Preferably, overestimate rather than underestimate your taxes

  4. Pay the estimated taxes by the set deadlines

Frequently Asked Questions

What Should I Do when I Receive Notice CP163?

Once you receive this notice, pay the amount you owe in full, including the late penalties. Contact the IRS immediately if you believe there’s an error, or if you cannot make the payment in full.

Can Penalties Be Abated?

Yes, penalties may be abated if you can show that the underpayment was due to reasonable cause and not willful neglect.

Understanding how notice CP163 impacts your business’s estimated taxes is crucial to maintaining your financial integrity. By keeping a close eye on your finances, calculating your taxes accurately, and remitting your payments timely, you can avoid the implications of unpaid estimated taxes, including Notice CP163.